Saturday, May 17, 2008

Missing in Action: 500 Signatures for 2-XA

May 14th, 2008
Calif. Fish & Game Commission


I have spoke before you twice during the last 9 months in reference to
the MLPA process in the North Central Coast Study Region. Hopefully you
will remember my face, concerns and dedication to this process.
Unfortunately I will be out of state for the next 41/2 months and cannot
attend any of your meetings in regards to the MLPA process. Hope you take
the time to read about my concerns and evaluation of the process over the last 9 months.

After the April 22-3 meeting of the BRTF in San Rafael I walked away
with tears in my eyes and total disbelief of the findings of the two day meeting. It was startling to find that the BRTF sent forth all three
proposals (1-3, 2XA & 4) along with the Proposed Alternative which they developed at the spur of a moment.

My main concern and one that should be yours is "What happened to the Public Comments" that have not been posted since April 3rd? Between April 3rd and the April 22-3rd meeting no public comment letters were given to the
Stakeholders, SAT or BRTF....or even posted on the State of California Fish & Game, MLPA website...where did they go? Did the I-Team fail in their support of the process and opinions of the people of this state? My and
your concern should be: "How did the BRTF make a final decision without seeing all the letters of support for all proposals?" I have been pondering this question since April 23rd and wondering why?

I do know that letters from the following (which I deem of importance) have STILL HAVE NOT BEEN POSTED: The Sea Ranch Association (which wanted
the 2XA proposal in front of their properties), The Mendocino County Fish & Game Advisory Council, The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors, Mendocino County Farm Bureau, Sonoma County Farm Bureau, Point Arena Fisherman's Group, Point Arena City Council, Fort Bragg City Council, Fort Bragg
Fisherman and over 500 signatures that were gathered and submitted by me alone........... All the above was in support of Proposal 2XA. It is unknown how many other letters are missing somewhere, never to be seen by the Commission or anyone. 2XA was the preferred proposal by the majority of the landowners and users of our coastline in Subregion 1 of the North Central Coast Study Region.

Although I will be out of state, I will be available for direct contact
with you via email and or telephone (one on one or conference call). I feel that my concerns are valid and substantial. I would really be disappointed if this process ended up going against the major public input and support...and that would be for Proposal 2XA.

Thanks for your time, thanks for you concern with this process. As you know there are other concerns which we all share, the enforcement issue, the closures of park lands and the loss of enforcement near ex-facto reserves as under the private stewardship & ownerships. And the even bigger question...Will it work without overloading and over harvesting from un-zoned areas? Maybe we had better start small to start with?

Archer J. "Arch" Richardson
4th Generation, 130+ years of coastal stewardship
Stewarts Point, CA. 95480

Can be reached in Alaska starting May 17th, 2008
At 907-262-4256 and