Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Private Stewardship and Preserving the North Coast

Letter from Robert and Kathryn Larson, Hillside Ranch

To whom it may concern re: MLPA:

We are writing to inform you that we feel that the ocean waters from Salt Point State Park north to Black Point should be left open to shore fishing, abalone picking and diving.

This is all private land and limited access anyway. Why close these areas that are well managed by the private landowners? Because of the respect that these land owners have of the land and the sea, these areas are already "game preserves."

Our kids have been lucky enough to have been able to experience the beauty of this unspoiled land and sea. Many young people have had the opportunity to experience catching their first fish or picking or diving for their fist abalone.

We are raising and educating our kids to respect these natural resources and not abuse them. Because this area is a "game preserve" and so well managed, there are a lot of sea life to choose from. For instance we often only take one abalone because that is all we need to feed our family; and then some. The people that are allowed access to this private preserve share these same values as the landowners.

Again we question, why close something that is already managed with respect, love, and limited access. The education and respect that will be lost when youth and others are forced to experience the north coast sea world in areas that are overpopulated with people, polluted, and with limited sea life and access. They may never be able to dive in a safe place or see a large abalone or catch a fish from a small boat safely in public access areas.

We support the landowners in pleading to keep these private lands open and private from Salt Point to Black Point on the Sonoma Coast. Keep these preserves managed and allow these families to continue to educate and pass on their respect of this beautiful land that we live on and love.

Thank you,

Robert and Kathryn Larson
Hillside Ranch

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