Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Arch Richardson Statement to BRTF

Monday, November 19. San Rafael.

Good Morning, I’m Arch Richardson from Stewarts Point

My heritage goes back 120+ years, 4 of 6 generations, been involved in the Gen. Merch. Business for 50 years, both in Stewarts Point and Anchor Bay. I was a Commercial Fisherman, a Reserve Dep. Sheriff for 10 years (1976-86), First Pres. of The Sea Ranch VFD, worked with the Dept. of F&G both State and Federal for many years. Have been involved in way to many rescues and body recoveries from our waters.

As a property owner on the Sonoma Coast stewardship is a word which was taught to us as a child, a family tradition. The marine usage of the Richardson lands as well as the Ratcliff and Havens Neck LLC has very little impact on the eco system we are all trying to save and maintain. What all of these ranches harvest from the Pacific in a year would not fill the back of a pickup truck. Pickups are easily filled in other areas in a single minus tide day…Ft. Ross, Salt Point State Park, The Sea Ranch and Stornetta Bros. lands at Point Arena.

Although our lands have no public access from land they are highly used via boat traffic from other areas and are sought after, safe and full of recourses. Who dares walk though a field of Bulls.

“Abalone” is the most sought after resource in our part of the coast, Fort Ross to Point Arena and on to Fort Bragg. (When they do the North coast they will find that Fort Bragg lives and survives on the Abalone revenue) Over 90 % of the abalone take comes from this area. The offshore fishery has very little effect on this coastal area. The loss of this area would produce a great burden on the economics of this part of the coast from the Abalone aspect alone. The protection of the Abalone could also be improved with additional rules, regulations and laws…I have ideas for that too.

I don’t envy your job as members of the BRTF & SAT, but also comment you for your time and efforts. I do feel that I could be of assistance to you in completeing this process due to many years and involvement on the coast. I would be willing to donate my time as a Q&A man if you desire. We all care about the Coastal Waters and its resources and can get through this together with positive results for all the resources both Marine and Terrestrial.

There are a few of us that will be attending the dinner tonight if you have further questions. Sorry that none of us will be here tomorrow as we all have important issues pending and jobs.

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